Annual ONIF Seminar: Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity

21 Ottobre 2023

One of the objectives of the annual ONIF Seminar is to expand awareness of the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in the field of Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity.

Today, we witnessed a day of training and in-depth exploration of interesting topics.

The “Institutional Greetings and Introduction to the Works” session saw the participation of prominent figures. These included:

Paolo Reale: ONIF President introduced the seminar and presented the ambitious program of the day to the audience.
Laura Pernazza: President of the province of Terni and Mayor of the city of Amelia, representing the local and institutional context and how seminar topics are significant at an institutional level.
Roberto Vittori: General of the Air Force and the European Space Agency (ESA), sent his greetings remotely, in his dual role as a military figure and related to European space research.
Francesco Sarcina: Leader of the musical group Le Vibrazioni, contributed by broadening the cultural and artistic dimension to the context, sharing his experiences as a man and a father, and how these relate to the online safety of minors.
Michelle Hunziker: a well-known television figure and public personality, sent her greetings to the panel and the audience, highlighting the cross-sectional importance and interest in the seminar’s themes.

These introductions provided an overview and an official welcome to the participants, emphasizing the importance of the seminar and the various facets of institutional and cultural interest in cybersecurity and digital forensic sciences.

Forensic Acquisition with FIT: Dr. Andrea Lazzarotto presented an in-depth analysis of the state of the art of forensic acquisition of web pages and its future prospects.

Use of Video Evidence in Public Safety and Criminal Justice: Marco Fontani – Forensics Director at Amped Software discussed the key principles and best practices for using video evidence in legal and security contexts.

Data Analysis in Foreign Languages: Brig. C.QS Antonio Broi (Financial Police) explained how to analyze data in different languages, exploring the intersection between OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) and Digital Forensics.

Cryptography in the Apple Ecosystem: Dr. Luca Cadonici gave an overview of cryptography used in Apple devices like iOS, MacOS, and iCloud, and its importance for security and privacy.

New Standards in Digital Forensics: Luigi Portarluri – Sales Director South Europe Magnet Forensics discussed the latest developments and standards in the field of digital forensics, with a special focus on Magnet Forensics & Grayshift.

Data Analysis with AI: Tanya Pankova – Director of Marketing, EMEA – Oxygen Forensics, highlighted the potential of Artificial Intelligence in forensic data analysis.

Malware Detection: Dr. Nanni Bassetti presented an analysis regarding the use of AI to identify and trace malware through file profiling.

Forensic Analysis of Cryptocurrencies: Dr. Prof. Fabio Massa (Carabinieri) delivered a deep dive into challenges and solutions for forensic analysis of cryptocurrency transactions and their seizure.

Next-Generation Surveillance: Brad Penney – Law Enforcement and Key Accounts – and Owen Leyland – Lead Pre-sales Engineer – DigitalBarriers – introduced their products that employ modern compression methods for video transmission, including tools for surveillance used in investigations.

Digital Forensic Audit for Companies with Open Tools: Dr. Alessandro Fiorenzi illustrated how to automate audit processes, computer investigations, and incident response using open-source tools like Velociraptor and AWX Ansible.

Data Protection for Companies: Prof. Eng. Ugo Lopez showcased how companies and professional studios can protect data and information with a focused and essential approach.

Master’s in Data Protection, Cybersecurity, and Digital Forensics: Prof. Stefania Stefanelli introduced the master’s program offered by the University of Perugia, which trains experts in the fields of data protection, cybersecurity, and digital forensics.

The seminar provided a comprehensive overview of the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in the growing and intricate field of digital forensics and cybersecurity. Thanks to all participants for their valuable contribution.

Foto di gruppo ONIF Amelia 2023